
FTP vs UDP: Differences

The topic of today’s post is FTP vs UDP. If you’re looking for information on what they are and how they differ, you’ve come to the right place. So, let’s explore them a little bit more and see then the differences.

FTP – definition

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a network communication protocol that is used to exchange data between devices. A TCP/IP connection can be established between the two. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that allows a user to connect to a server and download files, websites, or applications from other services. Users use FTP to download data to their personal devices.

Applications relying on UDP

Authoritative DNS server explained

There are different types of servers – TLD, root, recursive, authoritative DNS server etc. If you think that all of them are the same and comply with the same objectives, that’s a mistake. They are teammates, but definitely, there are differences between them. Today let’s talk about Authoritative DNS servers. What exactly are they for? Why do you need them? Here it will be explained! 

What is an Authoritative DNS server?

An authoritative DNS server, also known as Primary DNS server, is the holder of the zone file that contains the DNS records. And in this case, we don’t talk about a copy of them but the true DNS records. For this reason, it’s the exact and only place the master zone can be managed from and where edition or any kind of modification to DNS records can be made.